Skyrim best thief armor
Skyrim best thief armor

skyrim best thief armor

If you decide to go this route, I'd recommend going with illusion + alteration. Using robes is also a very viable option, depending on your character set up.

skyrim best thief armor

  • You can still sneak effectively once you hit level 70 and get the conditioning perk.
  • (You are a bad thief if you get caught off guard ) )
  • Tower of strength stops you getting knocked back if you get caught off guard.
  • Light armour still gives a decent armour rating, so if needed you can go toe to toe without taking a huge beating.
  • Is pretty important for you running away, positioning etc.
  • Windwalker is great for a thief, your stamina regenerates 50% faster.
  • Leveling your armour takes longer than you would expect. As a thief you don't tend to get hit often, so That light armour weights nothing is at skill level 50, in heavyĪrmour, it is 70).
  • You are less detectable in lower levels with light armour (the perk.
  • The thief guild provides you with some nice light armour. I am playing a Khajit thief and I use light armour.

    Skyrim best thief armor