Mix-and-Match Critters: They have the faces of owls (minus the beaks) and the bodies of chimpanzees.
Martial Pacifist: They prefer to avoid conflict, but will relentlessly attack any large monsters that invade their territory.
Unfortunately for them, these plants are also the favorite food of Forokururu, which puts their livelihoods in danger whenever the Bird Wyvern appears.
Man-Eating Plant: They protect themselves by growing these around their territory.
Item Caddy: They will carve fallen monsters and drop a shiny for hunters to collect when quests are completed.
Combat Medic: They help hunters by healing them as well as attacking large monsters.
Brats with Slingshots: While not exactly children, they use slingshots as weapons.
Unlike many monsters, they like hunters, and will cooperate with them to bring down large monsters.
Standard Status Effects: In addition to possessing elemental breath attacks, they can also be customized to use Poison, Paralysis and/or Sleep-based moves.Ĭhimpanzee-like creatures that inhabit the Flowery Field.
Made of Iron: Like the Felyne Comrades / Palicoes, they can't truly die they'll just go out of commission for a while until they recover.
They can even be commanded to airlift their hunter handlers towards different areas of the map by using special items.
Flight: They're almost always hovering in the air and only come down when attacking, or after receiving a powerful blow that knocks them out of the sky.
Familiar: Serves as a non-magical version to hunters, basically being a wyvern version of a falconer's bird.
Energy Weapon: Their breath attacks manifest as long, narrow beams of energy.
Elemental Powers: Halks can be customized to use elemental breath weapons and defenses depending on the type of food they are regularly given.
Halks will eventually change in appearance, coloration and abilities depending on how you train and feed them, much like the Insect Glaive's Neopteron.
Divergent Character Evolution: Literally played out.
Breath Weapon: Their primary method of attack (also see Elemental Powers below).
Attack Animal: They serve as this to Mezeporta hunters, attacking anything on their masters' command.
First introduced in Frontier Forward 2, Halks are small, tamable Flying Wyverns that can be trained to aid Hunters during quests, much like the Palicoes from the main series.